Ham Agro-Processing Industries is currently setting up Integrated Agro-processing Industrial Parks (IAIPs) at ten (10) important crop and livestock production zone locations in Uganda.
Ham Agro-Processing Industries is currently setting up Integrated Agro-processing Industrial Parks (IAIPs) at ten (10) important crop and livestock production zone locations in Uganda.
This is in line with crop and livestock resource endowments or competitive comparative advantages specific to each agro-ecological zone in Uganda. Uganda has 10 agro-ecological zones comprising of: North-eastern Dry lands; North-eastern Savannah Grasslands; North-western Savannah Grasslands; Parra Savannahs; Kyoga Plains; Lake Victoria Crescent; Western Savannah Grasslands; Pastoral Rangelands; South-western Farmlands; and the Highland Ranges.
An Integrated Agro-Processing Industrial Park (IAIP) is a dedicated cluster of large, medium and small scale food processing units. It will be facilitated with common basic and modern infrastructure such as, internal roads, cold storage units, food laboratory, effluent treatment plant, warehouses (incubators), electronic weigh bridge units, information and communication center, guest houses, cafeteria, recreational zones along with common security arrangements, which we are currently setting up in the first place.
We shall also put up ancillary units like packaging, printing, transportation agencies, carrying and forwarding agencies among others to support the common activities of the food processing units.
The Integrated Agro-Processing Industrial Park (IAIP) will put its priority on business dealing with high value-added fresh fruits and vegetables, and food processing industry, which have comparative advantages in quality. Export promotion of priority industries will be the important mission of the Ham Agro-Processing Industries IAIPs Project development. The East African Community (EAC) and Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) regional markets as well as the European Union (EU) countries and the Gulf States would be the most promising export markets for processed foods and fresh fruits and vegetables produced by the Ham Agro-Processing Industries IAIPs Project.
The Ham Agro-Processing Industries IAIPs Project plan has the following main
- modern infrastructures, and factory construction;
- cold stores;
- water and electricity supply;
- capable sewage systems;
- paved roads that can absorb the movement of wagons and semi-trailers;
- parking areas, container park, open 24 hours a day, with continual human and electronic guard duty;
- vehicle assistance Centre for immediate mechanical needs for cars, for fuel distribution and for vehicle wash;
- a dumping site for wastes;
- daily public transport system during working hours connecting the industrial and logistic areas with the nearby urban centers;
- communication infrastructure;
- offices of the operators, postal, banking, customs, currency exchange, catering and data transmission services;
- veterinary service and laboratory analysis for quality control;
- export office, which work to export the products to EAC, COMESA and other Countries;
- marketing office, promoting products and exploring new markets opportunities;
- free movement of people and products through low restrictive checkpoints, and thanks to the advanced planning technology;
- Possibility to recruit skilled and unskilled workers and professionals in the area.